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16 сентября в 12:00 состоится открытая лекция знаменитого исследователя современной Арктики профессора Моники Теннберг на тему What makes a city arctic? Political economy of city branding in Rovaniemi, Finland.

Место проведения: ул. Смольного 1/3, 8 подъезд, ауд. 124.

Monica Tennberg is a political scientist and holds a Ph. D. in International Relations from University of Lapland, Finland (1998). She has worked at University of Lapland since 1992, first at the Faculty of Social Sciences as a researcher, and then, after 2004, at the Arctic Centre, as a research professor leading the Northern political economy research group. Since late 1980s, Tennberg has studied Arctic environmental cooperation, Arctic politics of knowledge and governance of climate change adaptation in the Arctic. Her current research interests are everyday politics of adaptation and resilience in the context of complex and diverse Arctic urban change. She has led several international research projects and networks: Indigenous peoples as international actors (Academy of Finland 2006–2009); Adaptation in Finland (Academy of Finland 2007–2009); Barents political economy and governance (Nordforsk network funding 2010–2012); and Neoliberalism, local communities and sustainable development in the Barents region (Nordic Council of Ministers, Arctic cooperation 2012–2015). Recently, she acted as a national co-chair, lead author and contributing author to the Arctic Council and AMAP project on Adaptation actions for a changing Arctic (AACA) — perspectives from the Barents area (2017). Tennberg has also worked as a professor II at the Arctic University of Norway (Centre of Sami Studies, CESAM) as an expert on regional development and adaptation (2016–2018). Tennberg is a member of the Norwegian Academy of polar sciences (2017-) and has been awarded the metal of honor (Knight, First Class, of the Order of the White Rose of Finland) for her contributions to the Arctic research in Finland by the President of Finland (2018).