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International Interdisciplinary Academic Conference «120th Anniversary of Korean Studies in Saint Petersburg University»

Dear colleagues,

We are pleased to announce International Interdisciplinary Academic Conference «120th Anniversary of Korean Studies in Saint Petersburg University», organized by SAINT PETERSBURG STATE UNIVERSITY: Faculty of Asian and African Studies, Faculty of Sociology, Faculty of International Relations with support of the Academy of Korean Studies, Korea Foundation,  Directorate «Dialogue Russia-Republic of Korea».

The Event is going to take place in October 12-14, 2017 at Saint Petersburg State University.

The Conference will host the following Panels:

- History and Achievements of Korean Studies in Russia;

- Socio-cultural Dynamics of Russian and Korean Societies;

- Russia-Korea Political and Economic relations;

- Russian Studies in Korea.

The Conference is open to the papers dealing with a wide scope of subject, which may be presented at the above Panels. Applicants are welcome to register and to submit their paper proposals at the Conference homepage through the online form:


The deadline for applications and papers is June 10, 2017.

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