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Russian and Turkish Scientists Discuss How to Draw a Border between Freedom of Self-Expression and Respect to Sacred Values


Russian and Turkish Scientists Discuss How to Draw a Border between Freedom of Self-Expression and Respect to Sacred Values

The round-table conference “Respect to Sacred: between  Terrorism and  Freedom of Speech,” which  embraced Russia’s and Turkey’s experts in the areas of history, political science, international relations and law, took place in Saint-Petersburg State University.

While opening the meeting, the Dean of the School of International Relations, SPbSU, Irina Nikolayevna Novikova,  emphasized, that there is a lot of common in the history of Russia and Turkey, which creates a basis for interaction in many areas, including the issues concerning  the respect  to  sacred values.

The problem of the “respect to sacred” is directly connected to that fact, that in the modern society the border between the “violation of feelings” and the “freedom of self-expression” is vanishing. Within this framework, the professor of the Suleyman Shakh University (Istanbul) Dr. Adnan Aslan claimed  that without the respect to values that are  sacred for every  religion there will not  be peace, because,  in his view  the God created all people so different to teach them to co-exist peacefully with each other.

According  to the Associate Professor Suleyman Shakh, University Ugur Comechoglu, the category of “sacred” should be expanded, so that it could  refer not only to  Abrahamic religions, but also include  Hinduism, Shintoism and Animism, because every religion is an experience, accumulated  by  people.

The Turkish and Russian scientists have come to a commonly shared understanding that there is a necessity to create the legal platform in the sphere of relations between secular and religious. The freedom of belief is available only to the people in a law-bound state with transparent laws.


The conference was organized by the Saint-Petersburg State University, Saint-Petersburg Association of International Cooperation and Saint-Petersburg Society of friendship with Turkey from the Russian side and Russian-Turkish Cultural Centre in Saint Petersburg, Institute of Russian Researches attached to the Turkish-Russian fond of culture in Istanbul, the Ipek University in Ankara and Suleyman Shakh University in Istanbul - on the part of Turkey.